Now also use the mattiaquaCard on the Henkell-Kunsteisbahn
Henkell-Kunsteisbahn: Season tickets will remain as in the past and five-ticket passes already purchased can still be used.
In future, no more five-person tickets will be sold.
Mainzer Straße leisure pool: The half-year ticket for the Mainzer Straße leisure pool can still be purchased.
Your card – Your advantages
All advantages of the new mattiaquaCard at a glance:
- Cashless payment in all participating pools
- Up to 20 % discounted admission
- Separate entrance without queue possible (Fast Lane)
- Individually rechargeable
The mattiaquaCard is available on site at all participating pools.
Participating facilities
- Thermal bath Aukammtal
- Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme
- Outdoor and indoor swimming pool Kleinfeldchen
- Outdoor pool Kallebad
- Outdoor pool Maaraue
- Open-air swimming pool Opelbad
- Henkell-Kunsteisbahn
- Mainzer Straße leisure pool
From which amounts do I get which discounts?
mattiaquaCard adults | mattiaquaCard reduced | mattiaquaCard child/youth
10 % for outdoor and indoor swimming pool Kleinfeldchen, Mainzer Straße leisure pool, outdoor swimming pool Kallebad, outdoor swimming pool Maaraue, Henkell-Kunsteisbahn | 20,00 € |
20 %for outdoor and indoor swimming pool Kleinfeldchen, Mainzer Straße leisure pool, outdoor swimming pool Kallebad, outdoor swimming pool Maaraue, Henkell-Kunsteisbahn 10 % for thermal bath Aukammtal, Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme, outdoor pool Opelbad | 100,00 € |
20 %for outdoor and indoor swimming pool Kleinfeldchen, Mainzer Straße leisure pool, outdoor swimming pool Kallebad, outdoor swimming pool Maaraue, Henkell-Kunsteisbahn 15 % for thermal bath Aukammtal, Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme, outdoor pool Opelbad | 200,00 € |
20 %for outdoor and indoor swimming pool Kleinfeldchen, Mainzer Straße leisure pool, outdoor swimming pool Kallebad, outdoor swimming pool Maaraue, Henkell-Kunsteisbahn 20 % for thermal bath Aukammtal, Kaiser-Friedrich-Therme, outdoor pool Opelbad | 300,00 € |
A higher discount on a possible preceding residual value is not possible, as this is considered a separate condition. In this case, two sales units would be booked on your mattiaquaCard or your permanent band.
As soon as the residual value with the lower discount has been completely redeemed, the correspondingly higher discount will automatically apply – after an interim recharge with a higher amount of money.
FAQ on the new tariff and price structure
With the announcement of the new tariff and price structure, the old multiple tickets still have a limited period of validity according to the respective bathing regulations. According to the currently valid version, this is 6 months after the introduction of the new admission prices for sports and outdoor pools, as well as the Opelbad outdoor pool. For the thermal bath Aukammtal the maximum validity period is 12 Monate.
Yes, you can easily convert your value voucher into a mattiaquaCard. Example: Value voucher 100,- € can be converted into a mattiaquaCard 100 with 20% discount on sports and outdoor pools and 10% discount in the thermal baths and the outdoor pool Opelbad.
Yes, the discount deposited on the mattiaquaCard is applied to the respective valid exit fare, i.e. also to the reduced fare. However, it is important that the visitor in the “reduced” fare group carries his or her corresponding proof of discount with him or her.
With the exception of the leisure area Unter den Eichen, all pools and spas are connected to the mattiaquaCard payment system.
When purchased, the mattiaquaCard includes the respective valid exit rate (adult, reduced, child/youth). There are separate fast lane entrances in the pools, which can be opened by touch contact with the mattiaquaCard.
Yes, the Fast Lane can also be operated using a cell phone ticket. To do this, you need to buy an online ticket via the mattiaqua webshop, which will be sent to your smartphone by e-mail. You can then use the Fast Lane with the QR code stored on the ticket.
Yes, in the new online store you also have the Print@Home option to print vouchers conveniently at home.
If you have a personalized mattiaquaCard, you can have the card blocked at any time and have the credit transferred to a new card. In case of a non-personalized card, you need the corresponding proof of purchase to block the card.
Yes, in the adult tariff, the mattiaquaCard can also be used by persons other than the purchaser. This is not possible in the tariff groups “Child/Youth” and “Reduced”. You can also use or transfer the mattiaquaCard as a cash-only card. The discount also applies here.
Recharging can be done in the respective baths and spas at the cash desks.